Kai Oscillator in Cyanobacteria was an animation produced by Dr. Janet Iwasa and myself in collaboration with Dr. Carrie Partch and Dr. Jeffrey Swan.
Got Something consisted of a short animation that included the microscope and the “quenepa”, an audio provided by the instructor, and a publicly available character known as the Eleven Rig. For this final project, we had to create a story in which the character interacts with both objects and the audio.
Microscope and “Quenepa” were two class projects that consisted of making 3D models of a hard surface object and a fruit. I modeled a microscope that I use in the laboratory to visualize yeast and a sweet tropical fruit called “quenepa” in Puerto Rico.
Got Something consists of a short animation that included my hard surface object and fruit, an eleven second audio without context provided by the instructor, and a publicly available character, known as the Eleven Rig. This final project required us to create a story in which the character interacts with both objects and the audio.
© 2020 Francheska López Rivera